

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要
2008北京奥运会给我国群众体育事业的发展带来难得机遇,要深化“全民健身与奥运同行”的理念,以奥运会为契机为我国更快的走向世界提供良机。平等、公正、友谊、和平等将会对我国的社会主义经济文化生出远比金牌更重要的东西。同时“科技奥运”、“绿色奥运”、“人文奥运”的理念也深刻的影响着群众体育的发展的深度和广度.人们对全民健身活动的认识和人民群众对体育的参与意识更进一步增加,健身活动设施的建设得到了快速发展。“科技奥运”、“绿色奥运”和 “人文奥运”的理念提升了全民健身活动的质量,使全民健身活动的开展和人民群众对体育的参与进入了新的历史时期。

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to China's sports undertakings masses brought about rare opportunities of development, it is necessary to deepen the "National Fitness and Olympic counterparts," the concept to the Olympic Games as an opportunity for China's faster to provide opportunities to the world. Equality. Fair. Friendship. And will be equal to China's socialist economic and cultural produce the gold medal is more important than things. At the same time, "Hi-tech Olympics". "Green Olympics". "People's Olympics" concept has a profound impact on the development of mass sports in the depth and breadth. People's awareness of the activities of the National Fitness and Sports for the masses of the people more involved in awareness A further increase in fitness facilities construction has been a rapid development. "Hi-tech Olympics". "Green Olympics." And "People's Olympics" concept raised the nationwide fitness activities in the quality of the national fitness activities and the development of the masses of the people in sports participation has entered a new historical period.
Key words: Beijing Olympic Games. Mass sports. Impact

