

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

伴随着世界经济一体化趋势的不断加强,世界各国无论是经济还是文化都处在一个相互碰撞且又交流融合的时期,我国企业的发展也是在这样一个大环境下。我们在不断学习国外企业先进管理方法的同时,又保有我国企业独有的管理特点。而在目前众多的管理理论中,人力资源管理格外值得重视。管理大师Peter Drucker曾经说过:“企业归根到底只有一种资源,那就是人力资源,管理就是充分发挥人力资源优势从而使企业更好地发展。”近些年来,我国越来越多的企业也逐步认识到——人力资源是现代企业最宝贵的资源,它是经济发展的根本动力和关键因素。但我国对人力资源管理领域的研究与西方发达国家相比起步较晚,加之又存在多方面的因素制约,因此,我们的企业在人力资源管理工作方面也相对落后,没有充分发挥人力资源的优势,尤其是在国有企业中,表现得更为突出,其原因也是多方面的。在这个领域中,发达国家企业的许多管理理念和模式方法都很值得国有企业去学习借鉴,但最关键的还是要结合我国国有企业的实际发展特点,取长补短,从而找出最适合的人力资源管理体系。

关键词:人力资源管理;人本管理; 人才资源;文化差异


Along with the trend of world economic integration being strengthened around the world in terms of economic and cultural collision are in a period of integration and exchanges, the development of Chinese enterprises is also in such a large environment. We continue to learn advanced management method of foreign enterprises while at the same time retain the unique characteristics of China's enterprises. In a large number of management theory, human resources management particularly noteworthy. Management giant Peter Drucker once said: "enterprices have only one resources, that is human resources, management is to give full play to the advantage of human resources enabling enterprises to better development." In recent years, more and more enterprises in China also step by step to realize ----- human resources is the modern enterprise's most valuable resources, it is the fundamental driving force of economic development and a key factor. But China's human resources management research in the field of HRM is late compared with Western countries, coupled with the existence of a number of factors and constraints, therefore, China's enterprises in the management of human resources is also lagging behind, not giving full play to the advantages of human resources , especially in state-owned enterprises. In this area, many methods and models from developed countrise enterprise HRM are worth to learn for our state-owned enterprises, but the most important thing is to combine state-owned enterprises of China's actual development of the characteristics of each other, and to find the most suitable human resources management system.

Key Words:Human Resources Management;Humanistic Management;Talent Resources;
          Cultural Differences

