

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要 数学为人们交流信息提供了一种简洁、精确而有效的手段。科学的发展离不开数学的推动,人类的进步离不开数学的应用,数学在更加信息化得今天尤为重要。在世界任何一个国家都不会忽略对数学的教育。在数学教育发展中,数学交流逐渐受到国内外数学教育家的关注以及教育界的重视。培养学生的数学交流能力已成为数学教育的目标之一。但是,通过半年的顶岗实习支教工作以及进一步的实际调查,笔者观察到,在我国现阶段的数学教育中,仍旧是“老师台上讲、学生台下听”,授课方式没有创新,同学之间、师生之间的交流不够畅通。在这样的传统授课方式中,学生缺少学习的积极性和主动性,这不利于学生发散思维、开拓创新,也不利于培养创新型人才来满足社会的发展需要。因此,构建科学的数学交流教学模型已迫在眉睫。

关键词 数学交流 现状调查 教学模型
Junior School Students' Mathematics Communication Ability and Mathematical Communication Model Construction
Abstrct Mathematics provides a concise, accurate and effective means for people to exchange information. The development of science is inseparable from mathematics promote the progress of mankind can not be separated from the application of mathematics, mathematics of more information is particularly important today. Mathematics education will not be ignored in any country in the world. In the development of mathematics education, mathematics exchanges gradually by the concern of mathematics educators at home and abroad as well as the attention of the education sector. Develop students' mathematical ability to communicate has become one of the goals of mathematics education. However, by the half-year post teaching practice and further practical investigation, I observed in the present stage of mathematics education is still a "teacher on stage speaking, the student audience to listen to" there is no innovation, teaching methods, students exchanges between teachers and students is not smooth enough. This traditional teaching methods, students 'lack of enthusiasm for learning and initiative, which is not conducive to students' divergent thinking, innovation, and is not conducive to cultivating innovative talents to meet community development needs. Therefore, to build scientific exchanges in mathematics teaching model is imminent.

Keywords  Mathematical communication  Present situation investigation   Teaching model

