

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



    随着全球经济一体化的趋势逐渐加强,中国与世界各国在经济、政治、文化、艺术各个领域的合作越来越密切,因此越来越多和我国有关的信息需要被翻译成各种外语(其中以英语的数量居首),向世界各国友人介绍我国在各方面的发展和取得的成就。在各种媒体的宣传中,外宣翻译的重要作用日渐凸显。与此同时,各类外宣材料中也凸显出了一些值得翻译工作者注意的问题,其中一部分是由于中西文化的差异所导致的。 本文从中美修辞传统差异的视角,探讨修辞方法在外宣翻译中的应用,指出在外宣翻译中只有采取适当的修辞方法,才能达到理想的传播效果,促进中美交流,合作共赢。

Chinese and American Rhetoric Tradition and Translation for International Publicity
With the development of globalization,China has become more closed with the world in the aspect of economics , politics,culture and art. Our time is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The more communication between China and foreign countries there is the greater amount of translation materials there are. It is evident that publicity becomes more and more important especially in the information age. Publicity materials in English, as an essential means of communication will surely have a profound influence on China’s foreign publicity.This paper advocates translation for international publicity from the perspectives of Chinese and American rhetoric tradition,and  investigate the effects that the rhetoric differences between China and America have had on translation for international publicity, to serve the communication between China and America.        Key words :  International publicity; rhetoric traditions; translation strategies

