

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





The era of knowledge economy has come, the talent is a critical factor and play an increasing important role in the process of organization to achieve its strategic goals. In recent years, a large number of " 80s", "90s" has stepped into the society and they have become the backbone and reserve forces of enterprises. Therefore, for all of the enterprise, which are with different industries and all sizes, continue to attract talent, use the scientific method to manage human resource, maximize the development of talent and cultivate this group of outstanding and distinctive young employees have become the emphasis and difficulties in the work of modern enterprise human resources management. Based on the predecessors' research and relevant incentive theory, this article analyzes the features of Cenozoic knowledge-type employees and through the literature research, questionnaire survey and so on to get acquainted with the satisfaction degree of the Cenozoic knowledge-type employees to the real motivation factors. This article combines with practice to summarize the incentive problems from the Cenozoic knowledge-type employees. On that basis, the article puts forward the strategies of optimizing the motivation of Cenozoic knowledge-type employees from the aspects of personal value, enterprise conditions, working conditions and so on. Hope to provide valuable solutions to the problems existing in the management of the contemporary Cenozoic knowledge-type employees in our country.
Key Words: Electronic commerce enterprise, Cenozoic knowledge-type employees, Incentive

第1章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景与意义 5
1.1.1研究背景 5
1.1.2研究意义 5
1.2相关文献综述 6
1.3研究思路与方法 6
1.3.1研究思路 6
1.3.2研究方法 7
第2章 概念界定与理论基础 7
2.1新生代知识型员工概念的界定 7
2.2理论基础 8
2.2.1需求层次理论 8
2.2.2双因素理论 8
第3章 新生代知识型员工的特征 9
3.1个性特征 9
3.1.1多元化的价值观 9
3.1.2以自我为中心 9
3.1.3抗压能力差 9
3.2工作特征 9
3.2.1独立自主意识浓厚 9
3.2.2自我实现欲望强烈 10
3.2.3强烈的流动意愿 10
3.2.4重视职业发展 10
第4章 电子商务企业新生代知识型员工激励现状及问题分析 10
4.1电子商务行业背景 10
4.2问卷设计和样本收集 11
4.2.1问卷设计的结构和内容 11
4.2.2样本选取 11
4.2.3问卷收集 12
4.3实证分析 12
4.3.1描述性统计分析 12
4.3.2 问卷的有效性分析 13
4.3.3因子分析 14
4.4新生代知识型员工的激励问题分析 16
4.4.1个人价值层面 16
4.4.2企业条件层面 16
4.4.3工作条件层面 17
第5章 新生代知识型员工的激励对策 17
5.1个人价值激励 17
5.1.1给予新生代知识型员工更多的工作自主空间 17
5.1.2给予新生代知识型员工挑战性的工作 18
5.2企业条件激励 18
5.2.1完善培训机制,满足各层次员工的培训需求 18
5.2.2做好新生代知识型员工的职业生涯规划 18
5.2.3优化企业的绩效考核制度 19
5.3工作条件激励 19
5.3.1完善的薪酬福利体系 19
5.3.2创造良好的工作环境 19


