

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



近年来随着互联网的广泛普及和物质生活水平的提高,人们对文化生活和文化产品的兴趣和关注度也在日益提高。文化创意产品作为博物馆的文化衍生物之一,引起越来越多的人的关注和购买。本文从移动互联网背景下我国博物馆文创产品的营销现状未来发展趋势入手,以实证分析为主,研究在移动互联网背景下,消费者对营销传播渠道的熟悉度,同时综合对比不同消费者对线上渠道的不同营销传播途径的熟悉差异程度,来探讨博物馆文创产品的现有营销模式策略的优势和劣势。通过运用spss 22.0这一数理统计分析软件,对相关数据进行多维度的综合分析并得出结论,为博物馆文创产品互联网营销策略的制定提供一些建议。


Marketing Strategy of Museum Cultural and Creative Products
under the Background of Mobile Internet

Abstract: In recent years, with the widespread popularity of the Internet and the high standard of material life, people's interest in cultural life and cultural products is also increasing. As one of the cultural derivatives of museums, cultural creative products attract more and more people's attention and purchase. This paper starts with the marketing status quo and future development trend of museum creative products in China under the background of mobile Internet, Based on empirical analysis, this paper studies the consumer familiarity with marketing communication channels in the context of mobile Internet, and compares the familiarity of different consumers with different marketing communication channels of online channels, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the existing marketing model strategy of museum cultural and creative products. By using SPSS 22.0, a mathematical statistical analysis software, multi-dimensional comprehensive analysis of the relevant data and draw conclusions for the museum of creative products Internet marketing strategy to provide some suggestions.

Keywords: Museum cultural and creative products;Mobile Internet;Marketing strategies;New media.

