

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




In 2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia was suddenly seen in the past year. Under the joint efforts of all the people, the epidemic situation was controlled steadily. And the spirit of life was supreme, and the whole nation was concentrating on one another. The great anti epidemic spirit plays an important role in education. At present, it has been integrated into the ideological and political theory course in Colleges and universities, which promotes the network teaching, tamps the theoretical foundation, and enriches the forms of practice. However, in the process of integration, there are also some problems, such as the low level of integration of theoretical courses, the low level of practice courses, and the insufficient use of the great anti epidemic spirit of network teaching. In order to improve these problems, we should first enrich the education content of the great anti epidemic spirit in the ideological and political education of college students, and strengthen the education of patriotism, struggle spirit and innovation spirit. At the same time, we need to update the course content in time and learn the theoretical knowledge with the help of example; Enrich the practice content and practice activities to enable students to acquire knowledge and enhance their ideals and beliefs in the situational experience; Pay attention to the function of network teaching, carry out online learning, make full use of network resources and VR and other new network technologies, realize the real experience, strengthen the learning of the great anti epidemic spirit, and truly integrate it into the ideological and political theory course.
Key words: Spirit of anti-epidemic; Ideological and Political Theory Course; Integrate
目 录
引言 1
一、伟大抗疫精神的内涵和意义 1
(一)伟大抗疫精神的内涵 1
1.万众一心、同舟共济的守望相助精神 1
2.闻令而动、雷厉风行的英勇战斗精神 2
3.顾全大局、壮士断腕的“一盘棋”精神 2
4.舍生忘死、逆行而上的英雄主义精神 2
5.充满信心、敢于胜利的积极乐观精神 3
(二)伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治理论课的重要性 3
1.有助于引导大学生树立正确的价值观 3
2.有助于提高思想政治理论课教学水平 4
二、伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治理论课的成效及存在问题 4
(一)伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治理论课取得的主要成效 4
1.伟大抗疫精神催发了思想政治理论课的网络教学 4
2.伟大抗疫精神夯实了思想政治理论课的理论基础 4
3.伟大抗疫精神丰富了思想政治理论课的实践形式 5
(二)伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治理论课存在的问题 5
1.理论课程融合程度水平较低 5
2.实践课程开展程度较低 6
3.对伟大抗疫精神网络教学利用不足 6
三、伟大抗疫精神融入大学生思想政治理论课的对策 7
(一)丰富伟大抗疫精神在大学生思想政治理论课中的育人内容 7
1.以伟大抗疫精神加强大学生爱国主义教育 7
2.以伟大抗疫精神加强大学生奋斗精神教育 8
3.以伟大抗疫精神加强大学生创新精神教育 8
(二)创新伟大抗疫精神在大学生思想政治理论课中的育人形式 8
1.将伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治理论课堂 8
2.将伟大抗疫精神融入思想政治实践活动 9
3.抓住疫情催生的“云”机遇,创新网络教学方式 10
结束语 11
参考文献 12


