

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年









How the Physical Education at School Level Gives Full Play to Its Entertainment Function and Stimulates              Students’Interests In Learning


Through the analysis of the development of physical education at school level in recent years, we saw its all-round development and how it, by means of entertainment, nurtured students’ emotions, cultivated their interests and promoted the all-round development of their physical and mental health. Nevertheless, to a large extent, certain shackles do exist in school’s physical education teaching, which prevent the students from giving full scope to their interests, entertainment, personality and creativity and makes the fulfillment of PE’s entertainment value difficult. To change this kind of situation we should attach great importance to participating in sports actively and joyfully, display the important role of sports games in school’s physical education teaching as well as put emphasis on entertainment to mobilize the students’ initiative. When putting these theories into concrete practice, it is advisable to make full use of various sports resources, establish scientific outlook and stimulate students’ interests in learning. Last but not least, physical education at school level will strive forward to become more full-fledged on the basis of overall improvement of entertainment physical education teaching.

Key words:physical education at school level; entertainment function; interest in learning
目 录
引言 1
第一章 学校体育的功能和学校体育的发展现状 1
1.1 学校体育的概念 1
1.2 学校体育的功能和目的 1 
1.2.1 体育对学生身心发展的功能 2
1.2.2 良好的社会适应能力 2
1.3 目前学校体育的发展现状 3
1.3.1 体育教学的发展趋势 3
1.3.2 体育资源和场地器材的现状 3
第二章 当前学校体育在发展进程中所面临的问题 4
2.1 教学内容与教学形式存在的问题 5
2.2 青少年体质持续下降 5
2.3 教学过程中评价方式的片面化 6
2.4 学校体育资源的开发利用不足 6
2.5 学生对体育的意识不足,重视掌握程度较低 7
第三章 发挥学校体育的功能提高学习兴趣的基本对策 7
3.1 教学过程中发挥体育游戏的作用 7
3.2 在学校体育课程中融入拓展训练,积极开展课外体育活动 8
3.3 完善体育教学的评价方式,促进学生的全面发展 8
3.4 开发体育资源和增加场地器材,教学中营造良好的体育学习氛围 9
3.5 加强对体育的认识,发挥学习体育的主动性和积极性 9
第四章 结论 10
参考文献 11
谢辞 12

