

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



【摘要】 社区居民委员会作为城市基层群众性自治组织,在社区建设过程中发挥了重要的作用。但从近年来的运行情况来看,渐渐暴露出人员年龄老化和文化程度偏低、办公用房和经费不足、职责权限不明、工作开展不正常等问题,社区居民委员会的现状已经越来越不适应经济社会发展的要求。本文首先梳理了居民委员会与社区治理的关系,指出了社区居民委员会存在的问题及根源,在分析比较居民委员会组织体系创新成功经验的基础上,提出了社区居民委员会的发展对策。
【关键词】 社区居民委员会;社区治理;困境
The Dilemma of Residents’ Committee and Development Countermeasure
【Abstract】In the process of community construction, Community Residents Committee plays an important role as it is a mass organization for self government at the grassroots level. However, in recent years, different sorts of problems begin to emerge and thus revealed that it is hard to survive in the on-going economic society, for example, aging staff; low education; lack of office building and budget; vague responsibility; inappropriate working activity, etc. This paper attempts to smooth out the relationship between Residents Committee and Community Governance and further pointed out the major problems exist in it. Appropriate strategies are provided by comparing and analyzing the creative and successful experiences organized by the new Community Residents Committee.
【Key words】Community Residents Committee, Community Governance, Difficulties


