

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要  目的:考察西部重庆监狱警察所承受的心理压力源状况,以及所表现出的压力反应的症状。 方法: 采用的是监狱警察心理压力源调查表和压力症状问卷对120名监狱民警进行调查分析。 结果:经过数据的统计分析,不同性别、工龄的被试在压力源问卷上存在显著差异,不同性别、学历的被试在行为症状上存在显著差异。 结论:监狱民警心理压力值与全国常模虽不存在显著差异,但仍高于常模,应引起足够的重视。本研究中性别是影响压力值和压力症状最活跃的因素。
关键词  监狱民警;心理压力源;压力反应
Abstract Objective:Police inspected the prison  west of Chongqing psychological pressure to bear on the source of the situation, as well as shown by the symptoms of stress response . Methods: Using Psychological pressure on the prison police source questionnaire and Stress symptoms questionnaires to make 120 civilian police to investigate the analysis of prison. Results: After statistical analysis of data from different gender, length of service of the test pressure on the source of the questionnaire, there was a significant difference in gender, educational level of the test in the behavioral symptoms of the existence of significant differences. Conclusions: Psychological pressure on the value of the prison police and not the national norm, there was a significant difference, but still higher than the norm, should be sufficient attention. The impact of gender is the pressure and stress symptoms of the most active factor.
Key words  Prisons Police ; stressor ;stress  response

