

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:近年来,由于受到国内外各种因素的影响,浙江农产品出口遭受了相当幅度的打击。在这样的形势背景下,研究浙江农产品出口现状、分析其制约因素并提出建设性的对策建议,对提高浙农产品的国际竞争力、扩大浙江农产品出口、全面认识和解决“三农”问题具有积极作用和一定的现实意义。本文在已有研究基础上,探讨了浙江省农产品出口现状,更新了部分数据和内容。通过分析入世前后以及受金融危机影响后的浙江农产品出口情况,确定了影响浙江农产品出口的制约因素。在具体剖析制约因素及其成因的基础上,从企业、行业和政府三个方面提出了扩大浙江农产品出口的对策建议。本文的其中一个重点是结合2008年开始的金融危机对浙江农产品出口的影响,就个别之前处于潜伏地位、近期开始凸显的制约因素进行了分析,并对越来越成为农产品贸易重点的食品安全问题引起的技术壁垒等进行了较为详细的分析。

The study on the constrains and countermeasures
of the expansion of Zhejiang’s agricultural products

Abstract: In the recent years, the export of Zhejiang’s agricultural products have suffered a lot owning to the influences from both domestic and international environment. Under such condition, it is of great significance to study the current situation of the export of the agricultural products, the constrains and the countermeasures in order to strengthen the competiveness and export expansion of Zhejiang’s agricultural products, to have a better understanding of the Agriculture, Farmer and Village policy. In this paper, based on the existing research into the export issues of the agricultural products in Zhejiang province, I try to update some information. Especially, the influence of the financial crisis will be the guide-subject out alone. Through the analysis of agricultural product export situation before and after China’s entry into WTO and the one influenced by the financial crisis, I will concretely analyses the restricting factors of Zhejiang’s agricultural exports based on three aspects , the enterprises, industry and government ,then put forward the countermeasures of Zhejiang’s agricultural expansion.Especially, in this paper, I will analysis the influence of the financial crisis started from 2008 and the TBT.
Key words: Zhejiang province; agricultural products; export; current situation; constrains; countermeasures

