

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:《霸王卸甲》是根据公元前202年楚项羽和汉刘邦的垓下之战这一历史题材而作的一首著名的琵琶传统大套武曲。本文以写实的手法对《霸王卸甲》的演奏技巧进行完美的诠释,让人们能够充分的感觉到乐曲的风格,把一个活生生的人物和战争场面展现在听众面前,使听者身临其境的感觉到楚霸王项羽的悲壮豪情。
关键词:《霸王卸甲》  琵琶   曲式分析   演奏技法 

Agencies:《Overlord Dumping Armor》 is based on 202 years BC, the Han Chu Xiang Yu and Liu Bang the battle of Gaixia this historical themes and made a famous set of Wuqu traditional pipa. In this paper, on the way to realism "Bury Me High" playing skills to perfect interpretation, so that it was able to fully feel the music style, a vivid characters and scenes unfolding on the war front of the audience so that the listener feel The sense of the tragic Xiang Yu Chu overlord of pride.
Keywords:《Overlord Dumping Armor》   Pipa    Form Analysis
Playing Techniques


