

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要


关键字:迟子建;   小说;  伤怀之美;  风格
Shanghuai beauty
                  ——Analysis of Chi Zijian's style
Chi Zijian's creation in the contemporary writers in the right way, with those of her novel is full of color geographical nature and humanity of people and nature, to give fresh warmth and slightly Shanghuai after the reading experience. Shanghuai beauty is the main aesthetic features of Chi Zijian works, her perseverance in the dwelling of a poetic gesture, creating a man and nature, harmony the same people in the world, the longing for the good of humanity and compassion of the people is Literary writers create a sense of beauty of its basic approach, and in novels, such Shanghuai the United States primarily reflected in the selection of content, language and mood of the temper of a connection. The reason, and I am the author of the hometown cultural nutrition absorption, the lessons of Chinese and foreign cultures, and inseparable from her own personality. This paper also points starting from above, of the Chi Zijian's overall style.

Key words:  Chi Zijian;   novels;   Shanghuai beauty;   Style


