

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:随着我国房价的节节攀升,除了人们生存压力的加大,更是隐藏着巨大的危机,一旦形成信贷和资产泡沫,最终或将破裂,我国房地产市场可能面临崩溃的风险,并影响到实体经济的各个方面。为此我国不断出台调控政策以控制楼市,作为重要举措的房产税改革最近更是进入了试点阶段。笔者通过我国试点城市的房产税细则的经济学分析肯定其优点,再通过房产税细则实施后现状提出其不足,并针对此对未来房产税改进提出若干建议。

Property tax reform on the research of China
Abstract: With house prices rising rapidly, increasing pressure on the survival of people. The formation of an even greater crisis is when credit and asset bubbles, the collapse of the real estate market may face risks. This will affect all aspects of the real economy. Introduction of control policies in China continue to control the property market. Pilot in two cities in China are now the new property tax. This article by economics to analyze the advantages of the new property tax. Under the new situation after the implementation of property tax to point out its shortcomings,and making some suggestions to improve it.
Key words: Property tax; Real estate supply and demand; Vacant residential tax
目    录

一、引  言 1
二、我国现行房产税及其改革 1
(一)房产税概述 1
(二)房产税改革的原因 2
   (三)目前两试点城市的房产税改革思路 3
三、两个试点城市不同房产税的经济效应分析 7
(一)上海房产税细则对房价的影响 7
(三)重庆房产税细则对房价的影响 9
四、未来房产税改进的方向 10
(一)目前房产税试征细则的不足 10
(二)针对试征房产税不足的改进方案 12
参考文献 14


