

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
针对我国现阶段的情况,物流企业之间的无序竞争导致物流价格与价值背离,物流市场价格失控,物流企业利润水平低下。因此, 本文试图对我国物流企业的服务状况进行讨论,分析物流服务定价的影响因素,明确物流价格相关对象的内涵, 最后通过提出物流服务的定价方法,以其为物流企业服务定价提供依据及定价方法。从而规范物流企业的价格行为,建立科学、合理的物流市场价格体系,营造友好合作、公平竞争的市场氛围,确保物流产业的健康发展。

关键词: 物流价格 服务定价 定价策略
From the beginning of the 1990s, Chinese rapid economic development has brought about tremendous logistics demand, stimulating the development of the logistics industry and the logistics market. Logistics enterprises want to scramble for the market and gain the high profit, launched a comprehensive competition, the focus of the competition concentrate on the price of logistics services.
Being aimed at the present circumstances, the logistics enterprises disorderly competition , leading to price deviated from value, price of the logistics market is out of control, the logistics enterprise profit level is low. So, this article wants to discuss the situation of Chinese logistics business services , analyze the impact of pricing logistics services, clear and definite the related content the logistics price , suggest some methods of pricing the logistics services for the logistics enterprises when they need. In order to standardize the price behavior, establish a scientific and rational logistics market price system, creation a friendly cooperation and a fair competition market, to ensure the healthy development of the logistics industry.

Key words:  logistics price   service pricing   pricing strategy

