

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘  要:中国古代公文的发展历史源远流长,从先秦的甲骨文书到第一部以公文为主的文献总集《尚书》的完成;从西汉初期实用质朴的文风发展到后期赋文骈文的盛行;从唐宋的古文运动到明清的文牍主义,中国古代不同朝代不同的政治背景、经济背景、思想文化背景乃至不同的君主个人作风导致了每个时代的公文文风也呈现出不同的特点。经济强盛、政治清明,公文发展自然会迎来繁荣的局面;反过来说,政治腐败,经济低靡,即使统治者颁布严刑峻法,公文文风也不可能得到根本的改变。
The style of writing in ancient China Official Development Path
Abstract:The history of Chinese ancient documents development was long.From Pre-Qin to Han Dynasty. From Tang,Song to Ming,Qing. The different dynasty different political background, the economic background, the thought cultural context and even different emperor's individual attitude caused each time archives literary style also to present the different characteristic. The economy is powerful, the honest government, the archives are prosperous; In other words, political corruption, economy low waste, even if the ruler promulgates the draconian laws, the archives literary style is impossible to obtain the radical change.
Key words: Ancient China; Documents; Style; Development path

