

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
文章采用施耐德的文化理论作为分析中美文化差异的依据,并简单介绍了商务谈判的概念。通过案例分析的方法,研究了中美商务谈判中存在的四个方面的文化差异, 包括集体主义文化和个人主义文化、轮回式时间和直线式时间、等级观念和平等观念、高情境交际和低情境交际。文章还提出了一些达成有效谈判的建议。文章旨在通过讨论中美商务谈判中的文化差异来帮助中美商务谈判者更好的把握谈判,减少误解,达到谈判目的。

On Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiations

The thesis adopts Schneider’s culture theory to lay a theory basis for analyzing Sino-U.S. cultural differences, and gives a brief introduction to business negotiation. The author also presents four cultural differences including collective and individual culture, cyclical and linear time, hierarchy and equality power, high and low context communication by means of case analysis and comparative analysis. Some suggestions are given to negotiators on how to reach an agreement in business negotiations. The purpose of this thesis is to expound the cultural differences between China and the United States in terms of cultural values in the hope of helping Sino-U.S. negotiators reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and achieve the desired goals.

Key words: Chinese and American cultures, cultural differences, business negotiation

