

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


设施农业是利用人工建造的设施, 为种植业、养殖业及其产品的贮藏保鲜等提供最佳的环境条件, 以期将农业生物的遗传潜力变为现实的巨大生产力, 获得速生、高产、优质、高效的农产品。在分析国内外设施农业发展情况的基础上, 提出目前我国发展设施农业的有关建议。
关键词:工厂化农业; 设施农业
Abstract:Facility agriculture is an important index to determine the degree of a nation's agriculture modernization. Facility agriculture usedfacilities made by humanity to provide the optimal condition for planting, animal breeding and preservation of agricultural product. Therefore, thecrop's inherited potential could be turned into huge productive forces to obtain agricultural product with fast growing, high yield and optimum efficiency. On the basis of analyzing current development of facility agriculture at home and abroad, suggestions for facility agriculture development in China were put forward.
Key words: Industrialization agriculture; Facility agriculture

