

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要  篮球作为一个复杂多变的运动项目,需要运动员能够灵活地运用综合性各项技、战术,这就是意识,被称为篮球运动的灵魂。篮球意识的培养与训练,是一个循序渐进,日积月累的过程,教练员的训练技巧,是其中关键一环。本文着重从篮球运动员的整体意识、基础技术的运用、战术意识、篮板球意识等方面论述如何加强意识的培养与训练,以及其重要性。

关键词  篮球运动员    意识培养    训练方法


How does the basketball athlete strengthen consciousness
the raise and the training
Abstract  The basketball took a complex changeable movement project, needs the athlete to be able nimbly to utilize comprehensive each technique, the tactic, this is consciousness. It becomes the basketball movement the soul. The basketball realizes the raise and the training, is proceeds in an orderly way, the process which accumulates over a long period of time. Trainer’s training skill, is a key link. Does this article emphatically from basketball athlete's whole aspect and so on how consciousness, foundation technology utilization tactical consciousness, rebound consciousness elaborate strengthens consciousness the raise and the training, by and its importance.

Keywords Basketball athlete  Consciousness raise  Training method


