

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


【摘要】 项目管理是一种综合应用理论和经验知识,在各种资源约束条件下寻求最佳实现预定目标的组织安排和管理的方法。它能使复杂的工作变得简单而清晰,有助于我们了解工作的整体结构和流程,指导我们每一步的工作。项目管理的很多理论与方法不仅能在建设项目使用,在别的领域也有很好的指导作用。本文结合会展旅游企业日常业务操作的项目管理为研究课题,目的是为了将日常工作中的感性认识结合理论知识,能够总结得出一些共性的东西,对他人有一些启迪作用,使本文的研究具有实用价值。文章通过对相关文献的研究和案例的研究,探讨如何在会展旅游企业团组项目的启动阶段、规划阶段、实施阶段、控制阶段和收尾阶段运用项目管理的方法和工具。
【关键词】项目管理 ;会展旅游 ;应用
Project management of tourism enterprises applied research
—Base on Shenzhen CYTS M.I.C.E Service Co., LTD
【Abstract】 Project management is an integrated application of theoretical knowledge and experience in the various resource constraints under the best conditions for achieving the objectives of the organization and management methods. It can become complicated the work of a simple and clear, helps us understand how the overall structure and processes to guide us every step of the work. Many of project management theory and method can not only use in construction projects in other areas also have a good guide. This paper MICE Tourism enterprises day-to-day operational management of projects for the research project, the aim is to be day-to-day work of the perceptual knowledge of theoretical knowledge that can sum up some common things, there are some inspirations to others, so that the research paper Practical value. Through the study of literature and case study on how the Convention and Exhibition tourism enterprises groups in the start-up phase of the project, the planning stage, the implementation phase, the phase of control and end stages of the use of project management methods and tools.
【Key words】 project management, MICE Tourism ,application

