

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘  要: 威尔第与瓦格纳是浪漫主义时期同时代的两位形成“双峰对峙”的歌剧艺术巨匠,本文试图从音乐文化和音乐美学的角度对瓦格纳和威尔第的歌剧创作题材的特点进行初步的分析和比较,进一步揭示两位作曲家在歌剧创作上不同的特色,和在不同的创作题材背景中所具有的悲剧性,民族性以及题材中对爱情的歌颂一致的相同特点。
关键词:瓦格纳;  威尔第;  歌剧;  题材比较
Wagner and Verdi Operas Comparative
 Study of Creative
     Abstract: Verdi and Wagner is a contemporary romantic period of the two form a "confrontation between two peaks," master of opera, this article attempts to culture and music from the music point of view of aesthetics Wagner and Verdi's opera of the characteristics of creative themes preliminary analysis and comparison, reveal two further opera composer in the creative process on the different characteristics, and in the context of different themes in the creative with the tragic, the national character as well as the theme of love in praise of the same characteristics
Keywords: Wagner; Verdi; opera; comparison subjects.

