

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘 要:研究民族声乐语言的风格体现,对于促进民族团结进步和民歌艺术大发展大繁荣有着十分重要的作用。对于推动区域经济社会发展,也有着重要作用。苗族和蒙古族都是有着悠久历史文明的古老民族。千百年来,他们向往自由、幸福、和谐的生活,用自己辛勤的汗水建设美好家园,用自己聪明智慧创造了许多悦耳动听的优秀民歌。本文以苗族和蒙古族的声乐语言为主要研究对象,阐述了它的风格体现;以他们的现状,对风格体现进行了认真的分析,探索了苗族和蒙古族声乐语言的艺术规律;重点探究了苗族和蒙古族风格体现的特点,并指出了两者声乐语

摘  要:研究民族声乐语言的风格体现,对于促进民族团结进步和民歌艺术大发展大繁荣有着十分重要的作用。对于推动区域经济社会发展,也有着重要作用。苗族和蒙古族都是有着悠久历史文明的古老民族。千百年来,他们向往自由、幸福、和谐的生活,用自己辛勤的汗水建设美好家园,用自己聪明智慧创造了许多悦耳动听的优秀民歌。本文以苗族和蒙古族的声乐语言为主要研究对象,阐述了它的风格体现;以他们的现状,对风格体现进行了认真的分析,探索了苗族和蒙古族声乐语言的艺术规律;重点探究了苗族和蒙古族风格体现的特点,并指出了两者声乐语言风格体现的发展方向。
关键词:民族声乐; 民族声乐语言;苗族;蒙古族; 地域

On the language of national vocal style performance


Abstract:Study the languages of ethnic vocal style of performance has a very important role in promoting the development and prosperity of the national unity and progress, and folk art. Also has an important development for the promotion of regional economic and social development. Miao and Mongolian has a long history of civilization of ancient peoples. For thousands of years, their yearning for freedom, happiness, harmonious life, a lot of sweat build better homes, with their own wisdom to create a wonderful blend of excellent folk song. Miao and Mongolian vocal language as the main object of study described its style and performance; to their current situation, a careful analysis of style and performance, exploring the law of the Hmong and Mongolian vocal language arts; focus of inquiry Miao and Mongolian style and performance characteristics, and pointed out the direction of development of both vocal language style and performance.
Key words:National Vocal Music;  National vocal language;  Hmong;  Mongolian; Region

