

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘    要


关键词  资产结构;资本结构;杠杆效应


In enterprise economic management, asset and capital structure like two sides of a mirror, revealing the capital movement from the origin and destination of the funds. The asset and capital structure influence each other, and mutual checks and balances. The kind of asset structure influences the kind of capital structure. In turn, capital structure affects the asset structure. In addition, the size of the leverage effect in the financial management fundamentally depends on the company's asset structure and capital structure.     This article starts with a brief account of the financial structure points on the basis of three theories, the asset structure, capital structure and the leverage effect. It analyzes the asset structure and capital structure combined with the commercial retail industry and high-tech industry to illustrate the correspondence between asset structure and capital structure. Thus it reveals the relationship between the financial structure and the leverage effect, and finally answer the question that how to optimize the overall financial structure at different times based on the leverage effect.

Key Words  Asset structure  Capital structure  Leverage effect 

