

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



[摘 要]竹笛作为传统的民族乐器,有着独特的艺术风格。经过几代人的传承和创新,竹笛艺术无论从技巧上、乐曲上还是从演奏风格上都得到了丰富和发展。《鹧鸪飞》是传统笛曲中的经典,它清新淡雅、意境深远,又有深层次的音乐内涵,已在国内外享有声誉,成为颇有影响的中国优秀传统竹笛独奏曲。本文结合其音乐渊源、音乐特色、演奏风格与自身演奏体会及思考进一步探讨了此曲的艺术风格。
[关键词] 传统笛曲;艺术风格;演奏特色

On The Artistic Style of Traditional Bamboo Flute Music “Flying Partridge”
Abstract: As a traditional folk instruments, Bamboo flute has a unique artistic style.After generations of tradition and innovation, bamboo flute art have been enriched and developed in terms of technique, music or playing style. Being the traditional flute music in the classic, "Flying Partridge" is fresh and elegant, artistic conception, and deep level of musical content, has a reputation at home and abroad as an influential Chinese excellent traditional bamboo flute solo. In this paper, the artistic style of this music will be further discussed based on its musical roots, musical features, playing style playing with my own experience and thinking.
Key words: Traditional bamboo flute; "Flying Partridge"; Artistic style


