

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要
受国际金融危机的影响,主要发达国家经济增长陷入停顿甚至负增长,各发展中国家经济增速也显著下降。在此情况下,各国政府努力推行各种宏观经济政策以减缓金融危机的影响并促进经济增长。在国家“保增长、促内需、调结构”的总体战略下,我国经济发展导向逐渐从外向型经济向内外平衡型经济转变,占人口多数的广大农村成为拼经济、促内需、稳社会、重民生的落脚点。2009 年中央一号文件即锁定“三农”问题,其中着重强调要增强农村金融服务能力。因此,本文将结合我国农村金融市场的现状,着重分析国际金融危机下我国农村金融市场的发展机遇,并提出金融危机下我国农村金融市场的发展对策。

Discussion on the rural financial reform under the financial crisis
Affected by the international financial crisis, major developed countries has got a standstill or even negative growth in economic, the pace of economic growth in developing countries has also decreased significantly. In this case, governments all make their efforts to implement various macro-economic policies so that they can mitigate impact of financial crisis and promote economic growth. Under the overall strategy of “keep growth, promote domestic demand, readjust the structure” in our country, economic development orientation has changed from an export-oriented economy to an internal and external balance-based economy, and the rural areas large in population have become the foothold of focusing the economy, stabilizing the society, and paying attention on people’s livelihood. In 2009 Central Committee Document No.1 focused on issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers. It emphasizes to enhance the capacity of the rural financial services. Therefore, this paper will take the importance on the analysis of the development opportunities of   rural financial market combining the current situation and international financial crisis. Besides, this paper will also propose some solutions on the development of the China's rural financial market under the financial crisis.

KEY WORDS: financial crisis, rural finance, reform proposal

