

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:社会医疗保险制度改革以来,曾一度解决了广大职工看病就医的一些基本问题,但是现行的基本医疗保险制度,还存在着保险深度和广度上的缺口,需要商业医疗保险作为其有力和重要的补充,为了进一步完善我国社会保障事业,进一步提高人民的生活保障质量,在国家大力提倡社会医疗保险的同时,商业医疗保险正处在一个前所未有的挑战与机遇面前。在我国现行的保险体制下,将商业医疗保险与社会医疗保险相结合来满足社会医疗保险所不能满足的日益增长的医疗需求,无论从理论还是实践来看都能带来良好的社会效益和经济效益。

Discuss the commercial medical insurance and social health insurance combination'Necessity

Abstract: The social medical insurance system reform has been resolved once the workers see a doctor for treatment of some of the basic problems, but the current basic medical insurance system, there is also the depth and breadth of the insurance gap, needs business health insurance as part of its strong and an important complement, in order to further improve China's social security system, and further improve the people's living quality, China has strongly advocated the social health insurance at the same time, commercial health insurance is at an unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Under China's current insurance system, the commercial health insurance and social health insurance combined to meet the social health insurance can not meet the growing medical needs, both in terms of theory and practice that can bring about good social and economic benefits.
Key words:Commercial medical insurance;Social health insurance


