

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:财务分析是以会计核算和报告资料及其他相关资料为依据,采用一系列专门的分析技术和方法,对企业等经济组织过去和现在的盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力和增长能力等进行分析与评价的经济应用科学。本文通过对华东医药近三年的财务状况进行调查,了解该公司的基本情况和行业状况,并对其09-11年财务报表进行分析,总结该公司财务方面存在的状况,并对未来发展提出一些建议。通过分析财务报表,可以充分将书本上的知识加以实践应用,达到更深一层的理解与运用。
关键词:财务报表分析;指标;对比分析; 对策

Financial Statement Analysis of HuaDong Medicine Company Limited
      ------based on financial statements from 2009 to 2011

Abstract:Financial statement analysis use a range of specialized techniques and analysis methods to analysis and evaluate profitability, operation ability, debt paying ability and growth ability that enterprises and other economic organizations occure in the past and the present , based on the accounting and reporting information and other relevant information. The article need to investigate the last three year financial situation ,and understand the basic circumstance . The article want to analysis these financial statements, in purpose of summarizing the financial problems and puting forward some suggestions.By this way, I can fully apply book knowledge to practice and achieve a deeper level of understanding and Application.
Key words:financial statement analysis;analysis method;reason;suggest

