

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:视唱练耳在音乐教学中是一门具有理论与技术相结合的重要基础学科。它通过视唱练习、听觉训练与听写等手段对学生的听觉与综合音乐能力进行培养与开发。变化音是视唱练耳中的难点,正确的认识变化音的性质以及正确的感知它,可以帮助我们更好的唱好变化音。从而进一步的提高自身的视唱练耳能力与综合音乐能力。有关常用变化音的训练,前人由实践概括出了许多练习模式和方法。如模唱法、构唱法、听唱法以及内心听觉训练法等。本选题将其教学方法进行综合、补充和完善,并通过例举辅助式和经过式两种变化音的提炼和训练来解决调内变化音的音准问题。
关键词:视唱练耳; 听觉训练; 变化音

Change the sound of commonly used to sing and ShiChang training

Abstract:Ear-training in music teaching is a door has theory and technology of combining the important basic subject. It through the ShiChang practice, hearing training and dictation methods of students with comprehensive music ability hearing training and development. Change is ear-training sound of the difficulties of the correct understanding of the nature of the changed pitch and correct sense it, can help us better sing good changes sound. To further improve their ear-training ability and comprehensive music ability. The changes of the commonly used sound training, predecessors summarized the practice by many practice mode and method. If MoChang method, construction, and inner voice singing to hearing training method, etc. This paper will the comprehensive teaching method, supplement and complete, and through the examples auxiliary type and after type two kinds of refining and training changed pitch to solve the problem of the change in sound intonation.
Key words: ear-training; Listening training; Changed pitch

