

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘    要

Venture enterprise financial management study phase smes
  With economic development, the business of small and medium-sized enterprises have now become an important part of the economy, the state has also offered guidance and many times and assisting small and medium enterprises development is currently an urgent task of strategic. Reform and opening up to our small and medium-sized enterprises have developed rapidly, and for economic development and economic growth and relieve the employment pressure in and relying and optimizing economic structure, are an important role. But because the sme output small, capital and technology constitute a low, the traditional system and external factors such as macroeconomic affect large, medium and small-sized enterprises and the business enterprise in financial management exist with its own development and a market economy is not fit. For this reason, the combined with the conditions for developing phase of financial management in private enterprise of, existing problems, analysis and improvement measures for analysis and seek solutions to improve financial management of private enterprise and promoting our market economy further developing rapidly.

Key words: Private enterprise Smes Financial management Second phase

