

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



[摘 要]奇瑞成立十多年来,从1997年3月在芜湖经济开发区动工建设;到1999年12月第一辆奇瑞轿车下线;再到2007年8月第一百万辆轿车奇瑞A3正式下线。奇瑞轿车用了短短十年时间,完成了中国自主轿车品牌的成长神话。今天,奇瑞轿车已成为中国自主轿车品牌的代表,其销售量也是节节攀升。在奇瑞成长的过程中,其成功得益于自主创新,国家的政策扶持以及成功的营销策略。正是独特的营销策略,使得奇瑞轿车在中国轿车市场脱颖而出,并位居中国自主品牌之首。本文通过对奇瑞轿车营销策略的分析,总结了奇瑞轿车营销策略的成功之处,分析了奇瑞轿车营销中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了一些解决对策以及创新方法。
[关键词] 奇瑞;营销策略;营销创新
Analysis on the marketing
strategis of Chery
Abstract: From the first chery car going offline in December 1999 to the first million chery car going offline in August 2007 Chery created a growth myth of Chinaese independent brand. Today, Chery has been the representative of Chinaese independent car brands. Successful marketing strategy, innovation and state-supported policies contribute to its success. It is the unique marketing strategy that makes Chery standing out in Chinese car market. The advantages and disadvantages in Chery’s marketing strategy are identified and the counter-measures are introduced in the paper.
  Key words: Chery ;Marketing Strategy ;Marketing Innovation


