

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


IT企业税负水平的衡量和评价我国的民族IT行业正处于发展阶段,国家在税收方面给予的优惠政策比较多。而且由于2008年全球金融危机殃及各国的IT行业,从而使得IT企业更有积极性去学习这些优惠政策。因为学好这些税收优惠政策,将有助于加快民族IT企业的发展步伐。由于企业主要交纳所得税、增值税和营业税这三大税种,所以本文通过分析三大税种的税负水平,了解优惠政策并进行税务筹划。希望能够给发展中的民族IT企业提供一些可供参考的建议。 关键词:IT行业;税负;优惠政策 IT measured and evaluation of tax levels Abstract IT is in our national development stage, countries in the tax preferential policies for more. Because the 2008 global financial crisis spreading the IT industry, all so that IT has more enthusiasm to learn these preferential policies. Learn these preferential tax policies for, will help to accelerate the pace of development of national IT enterprise. Due to the enterprise income tax and value-added tax and business tax, through analyzing the three categories of taxes, understanding and tax planning preferential policies. To be able to develop the national IT provides some reference suggestion. Keywords: the IT industry;Tax;Preferential policies

