

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年










The financial risk of the investment risk of shallow
Student:Cui Ben Qin              Supervisor:Deng Fu Min
    Since its birth, risk investment in promoting scientific and technological industrialization due to the great role of rapidly, the world's identity, but its high risk for many countries has brought great loss. This paper expounds the risk investment and financial risks, the risk of basic theory and content, the concept of investment in the development of venture investment in the development process of the course and the existing problems of financial risk, and finally put forward to solve the problem of financial risk solutions and countermeasures.
Keywords:  Risk, risk investment, Financial risk, development process, the countermeasures



目  录

前  言 1
第一章 风险投资与财务风险的基本理论 2
1.1  风险投资的涵义及其特性 2
1.1.1 风险投资的涵义 2
1.1.2 风险投资的特性 3
1.2 财务风险的涵义、特征以及产生原因 4
1.2.1 财务风险的涵义 4
1.2.2 财务风险的特征 4
1.2.3 财务风险原因剖析 5
第二章  我国风险投资存在的财务问题 8
2.1  我国风险投资财务存在的问题 8
第三章   风险投资财务风险对策 10
3.1  确立财务分析指标体系,建立长期财务预警系统 10
3.2  结合实际采取适当的风险策略 10
3.3  风险资本筹资管理 11
3.4  风险资本投资管理 12
3.5  风险资本退出管理 13
3.6  努力培养风险投资家与企业家队伍 13
参考文献: 14


