

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Research and Implementation of SVG-Based Real-Time Data Publishing 
Abstract: SVG is an XML-based way of text-based vector graphics description language. Based on the integration technology of SVG and Ajax components and web services, the paper study the real-time data publishing based on the SVG technology. To Ajax for the overall system control center, PHP for server-side scripting, JavaScript for the client-side script, the real-time data requests and SVG refresh dynamic publishing asynchronous operation are realized, and detail analysis of some of the key technologies and solutions are made, and the results of SVG-based real-time data distribution network data model has a less amount of traffic, web server load is low, the page updates without blinking and so on are proved. Meanwhile, the use of PHP scripting language to achieve real-time data interface through a simple package, web data services can be provided.
Keywords:  SVG ;  Ajax ;  real-time data ;  web services
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