

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


 [关键词] 第三方物流;  环境分析;  经营战略
Study on Development Strategy of Zheng zhou Chang tong Logistic Corporation 
Abstract: The market needs more quickly, stable and safer logistics services. Logistics industry is being symbol of economic development. Developing Logistics in China will play important action in the economy of China and will benefit the supply corporation of Logistics service. Just in recent several years, Foreign logistics companies are attracted by the market of China. Domestic logistics companies are facing the chances and challenges. How to position market and search a suitable strategy are important and emergency. This article is to research logistic development strategy under the circumstances of Chang tong Logistic Co. Ltd in Zhengzhou and to support the management of the company with the development strategy and plan of Chang tong Logistic Co.Ltd. This article analyzes the environment and the inside-situation of the Chang tong Logistic Co.Ltd. The opportunities and risks that come from the outside and the advantages and the shortages that come from the inside were identified by the SWOT. It analysis correctly assessed the total aim of the company strategy and the implementation of the company's development strategy formulated in the specific measures .
Key words: Third-party logistics; Environmental analysis; Development strategy 
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