

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:新会计准则;资产减值 ;会计影响;问题;建议
The new accounting standards for listed company influence research
The new accounting standards change caused some scholars of different expectations, "standing in the earnings management on" position of the scholars believe that the new guidelines for asset impairment has great progress but there are also some limitations.And scholars who support the view of "assets are damaged" believe that the new accounting standards of assets impairment recognized in later year not to breback the provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of assets value destruction.And use Aijian limited company as the case to analyze the new accounting standards on the impairment of assets policy with respect to the change of listed companies the impact of provision of new accounting standards, and then point to continuously improve the conclusion, and in view of the deficiency and put forward from inside and outside to improve guideline recommendations.

  Key Words: The new accounting standards;impairment of assets ;influence of accounting ;problem;influence
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