

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


纳税人权益保护问题研究 纳税人权益保护是一个国际性的问题,我国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,在纳税人权益保护方面也应与国际接轨。而且,随着中国市场经济的迅速发展、民主法治的不断完善以及人们的民主意识、法治意识、权利意识的增强,纳税人权益保护已经逐渐成为了社会关注的热点问题。 本文主要从研究纳税人权益保护的必要性出发,分析了我国纳税人权益保护的现状,在借鉴外国先进的经验的基础上,探讨适合我国的纳税人权益保护措施。 关键词:纳税人权益;现状;经验;措施 Research on The Protection of Taxpayers Rights ABSTRACT The taxpayer rights protection is an international problem. As China is the biggest developing country in the world, It also should comfort with international in taxpayer rights protection. What’s more, with the rapid development of market economy in China, democracy and the rule of law is constantly improve and the increase of the consciousness of the people's democracy, the rule of law and the rights consciousness awareness, the taxpayer rights protection has become a hot social concern. This article mainly begins on the study of necessity of taxpayer rights protection in China,and then analyzes the current situation.Finally discuss the suitable measures for China's protection of taxpayers rights based on the advanced experience of foreign countries. Key words:The Taxpayers Rights; the Present Situation; Experience; Measures

