

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



和书面语不同的是,听力语言最主要的特征之一是它的语速快。一般来说,口头文本的速度是每分钟140至180字。因此,常出现的问题是学生由于缺乏听力技巧而不能完全掌握听力内容。因此本文主要介绍了听力教学中一种有效的方法---速记笔记,以提高学生的听力理解能力。本文除主要阐述了影响听力教学的原因,还探讨了速记笔记的重要性,特征,内容, 以及在听力练习中的运用。

关键词:速记笔记; 听力练习; 运用
Unlike the written language, one of the main features of the listening language is its quick speaking speed. Generally speaking, the speed of an oral text is 140 to 180 words per minute. So it is normal for students to find it hard to have a good command of listening materials due to the lack of necessary listening strategies. Therefore this paper mainly introduces a useful method – taking the shorthand notes, to improve the students’ listening comprehension. In addition to the main factors that affect listening, it also explores the importance, features, contents, and the application of shorthand notes in listening practice.

Keywords: shorthand notes  listening practice  application
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