

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Means to the Analysis of the Profit Manipulation and Prevention Countermeasures of Chinese Listed Company

Abstract:in this article profit manipulation means to companies use relevant regulations and policy of the limitations,even use illegal methods to company for profitability and financial profit regulation and control for a particular purpose or motivation.Nowadays,the phenomenon of providing false financial report,undertaking profit manipulation,frauding shareholders and the general public generally exists which does great harm to accounting information user and the healthy development of China's capital market.In this article,first will pay attention to the analysis of the profit motive,then further research on means to the analysis of the profit manipulation,on these two basises explore identify methods and countermeasures,and finally hope to  provide investment value of accurate information for the user of accounting statement.
Key words:profit manipulation;common means;motivation research;prevention countermeasures

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