

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



宋代乐人包括歌妓、部分精通音乐的文人、乐府的专业乐人。宋词与宋代乐人有着紧密的联系。歌妓的出现对宋词传播起到促进作用,刺激了文人雅士创作更多的词作,从而直接导致宋词的繁荣;随着文人的介入,并与歌妓紧密结合在一起,共同影响了词的发展。 奠定的词轻似梦、细如愁的美感特质;而有的文人本身就是音乐家,他们在填词创作时,不仅注重文学性,还注重文学性与音乐性的结合,不仅奠定了词的美感特质,还对原有的词牌进行扩展,扩大了词的作法;教坊乐工具有专业的音乐才能,一方面他们影响了后世的词作方法。另一方面,也对词的风格也有很大影响,对宋词的繁荣与发展起到了巨大的推动作用。 

关键词:宋代   歌妓   文人

As is known that Song Ci keeps a close relation with singing girls, literators, and professional musicians. In the very first place, singing girls advance the spreading of Song Ci, stimulate more creations of scholars and literatis, thereby directly leads to the prosperity of Song Ci. What’s more, both literators’ interference in Ci and their connection with singing girls jointly influence the development of Song Ci, which establishes Ci’s characteristics of aesthetic feeling that Song Ci is as light as dreams,as exquisite as melancholy. Meanwhile some literatis is the musicians, when they fill in the Ci, they not just attach importance to the literary character, but also value the combination of literature and musics, and it pefectly expand the original tune of Ci and enlarge ways of creating Ci. Last but not the least, musicians from Jiao Fang have the professional competence in music, which not only have an effect on the later creating ways or style of Song Ci , but also largely contribute to its developing and blossom.

[1]胡云翼,《宋词研究》[M] 四川巴蜀书社,1988
[2]王灼,《碧鸡漫志》[M] 中华书局,1986
[3]孟元老,《东京梦华录》[M] 中华书局,1982
[4] 叶嘉莹,《唐宋词十七讲》[M] 北京大学出版2007
[5]张炎,《词源》[M] 中华书局,2002
[6]王国维,《人间词话》[M] 中国人民大学出版社2004
[7]叶嘉莹,《北宋名家词选讲》[M] 北京大学出版2007
[8]吴梅,《词学通论》[M] 江苏文艺出版社,2008
[9]沈曾植,《菌阁琐谈》[M] 唐圭璋编《词话丛编》,中华书局,1986
[10]沈义父,《乐府指迷》[M] 上海古籍出版社,2002

