

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


基于Excel平台的会计信息系统设计探讨会计信息系统是企业管理信息系统中的一个子系统,是组织处理会计业务,为企业提供财务会计信息并管理控制企业经济活动的系统。随着 Excel 对表格处理的功能不断加强和完善,基于Excel作为平台来进行会计表格的处理以及开发会计信息系统将成为一大的趋势。它除了提供一般数据图表、电子表格的功能外,而且还为企业的财务工作人员或领导提供了各种管理和决策分析的功能。本文通过保利房地产股份有限公司作为实例探讨如何利用办公软件Excel作为平台和分析模型来设计会计信息系统。
关键词: Excel;会计;信息系统; 系统模型;保利
Investigation of Design for Accounting Information System Based on Excel
Accounting Information System is a management information system in a subsystem, which is the organization for accounting services, providing financial and accounting information and management control systems business of economic activity. With the Excel processing functions on the table constantly strengthened and improved, based on Excel as a platform for the processing of accounting forms and the development of accounting information systems will become a major trend. It addition to the normal data charts and electronic forms functions, but also in the financial work of staff or leadership to provide a variety of management and decision analysis features. In this paper, Poly Real Estate Co., Ltd. as an example of how to use Excel and Office software analysis model to design the accounting information system.
Key Words :  Excel ;  Accounting; Information System;  System Model ;Poly

