

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


流行音乐里的戏曲元素——以歌曲《新贵妃醉酒》为例流行音乐自从产生以来已经有百年时间,经过这么久的发展,流行音乐的形式已越来越多变,种类也越来越多,反映的内容也越来越广泛,在当代文化生活中扮演的角色也越来越重要。有的西方学者甚至认为,流行音乐也许是“后现代文化形式中最杰出的代表”。作为有着充沛生命力的一种文化现象,流行音乐在日常生活中受到大家的热烈欢迎。戏曲元素与现代流行音乐的结合是时代发展的产物,是一种新的艺术创新. 以流行歌曲为基本曲调,采用电影、电视剧的故事扮演方式来表现戏曲,不是说将戏曲艺术完全的流行化,抹煞了其传统艺术色彩。现代流行音乐它之所以流行肯定有其特点或优势,这是传统戏曲艺术所不具备的。把两者的优势结合起来能创造出一种更加优秀的艺术形式。
Pop music drama elements
—The song “new Drunken Beauty” as an example
Abstract: Popular music since already had hundred years time, after a long development, pop music has become more and more varied forms, there are more and more, reflect the content is more and more widely, in the contemporary cultural life plays a more and more important role. Some western scholars even think, pop music is perhaps the" postmodern culture forms the most outstanding representative". As a full of vitality of the phenomenon of a kind of culture, pop music in everyday life was well received. The drama with elements of modern pop music is a combination of product of the development of the times, is a new kind of artistic innovation. To popular songs as the basic tone, the film, TV play story plays to show drama, not to say that the dramatic art completely deny its popular, traditional art, we say that modern popular music it is popular certainly has its characteristics or advantage, which is the traditional opera art does not have, We want to take advantages of both to create a more outstanding artistic form
Key words: Pop music, Opera elements, China wind

