

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关 键 词:伤感   沉沦   郁达夫小说   眼泪   紫色

Sentiments Precipitated in One’s Life
—— An Analysis of Sentimental Characteristic
In Depravity of Yu Dafu


Depravity is about depression of a Japanese returned student and his sorrow for nation’s weakness. In the classical version,special imagery and dark tone ,this novel reveals the strong solitary and sentimental sense which infiltrates into marrow ,and can’t get rid of it any way. Yu Dafu’s novels are closely related with his experiences which show a kind of unique sorrow.

Key words:Sentimentalism   Perishing   Yu Dafu’s novel   Tear   Purple

伤感主义文学,这个概念最早出现在英国作家斯泰恩的作品《法国和意大利的感伤的旅行》( 也叫《感伤的旅行》) ,作为一种新型的文学样式,它影响了一批中国的现代作家,郁达夫便是其中的一位。他的诗歌、散文、尤其是小说均具有感伤主义的某些特点。《沉沦》作为其代表性创作,是对伤感主义文学的继承和发扬。主人公的孤独、抑郁、苦闷等性格特征震撼人心,影响了一批批的文坛青年,值得我们对其伤感特色进行研究。

