

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



周星驰是香港喜剧电影史上的一朵奇葩,他开辟了一种全新的喜剧电影类型。其个性化的语言和喜剧表演,成为了香港电影票房的救星和保证。并被无数的影迷及媒体称为电影界的“喜剧之王”。在周星驰主演的影片中,每一部都打上了鲜明的周氏喜剧风格,这种风格被评论家们标识为“无厘头”,周星驰就以“无厘头”为旗帜,纵横驰骋香港影坛十余年。他参演的电影语言新奇、幽默、辛辣、讽刺,让观众在开怀大笑之后又不禁深思,正因为如此,使得他电影形成一种独具一格、独树一帜的风格。本论文以周星驰的电影透过“无厘头”的表象,从周星驰电影产生和流行的原因、无厘头语言风格形成原因分析, 选取周星驰电影中最具影响力、最能代表其无厘头风格的十几部作品总的对白为研究语料,结合先贤的研究成果,站在专业性角度揭示他这种“语言”的真正魅力和艺术所在。

Abstract:Stephen Chow is an exotic flower of Hongkong comedy movie history, he has opened up a new type of comedy film. The personalized language and comedy, become the Savior and the guarantee of Hongkong movie box office. And the movie fan and the media countless called movie "king of comedy".In the Stephen Chow film, every department has sharp Zhou comedy style, the style was the critics identified as "nonsense", Stephen Chow by "Wulitou" banner, Hongkong film group more than 10 years. He appeared in the movie language novel, humor, satire, spicy, let the audience to laugh after another to ponder, because of this, makes his film to form a unique style, become an independent school.In this paper, Stephen Chow's movie through "Wulitou" phenomenon, the reasons for the emergence and opularity, from the Stephen Chow movie Wulitou style formation reason analysis, selection of Stephen Chow in the film's most influential, the most representative Wulitou style dozen works total dialogue as research material, combined with research results of our predecessors, standing in the professional reveals his "real charm of language".
Keywords : Stephen Chow;Film;Language arts; Wulitou Comedy

