

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



本文的研究方法是以China Daily 和深圳大运会官方网站中2011年深圳大学生运动会的新闻报道为语料,通过对深圳大运会的体育新闻实例进行分析,并以迄今为止比较有影响的E. F. Prince等人对模糊限制语的语用分类为理论依据,以及Grice的合作原则为理论框架,从语用学的角度对模糊限制语进行研究。尝试寻求模糊限制语在深圳大运会新闻中存在的必然性, 产生模糊限制语的因素和在大运会新闻报道中使用模糊限制语的原因,了解深圳大运会新闻报道是如何通过模糊限制语的使用从而达到其语用功能的。

On the Pragmatic Functions of Hedges in News Reports
— A Case on the 26th Summer Universiade Shenzhen
Abstract: The thesis takes the news reports of the 26th Summer Universiade Shenzhen as corpora sources. All the news reports come from China Daily and the Shenzhen Universiade official website. After a instance of the Shenzhen Universiade news analysis and on the basis of the relatively influential classification of hedges which put forward by E. F. Prince, I do a study on the pragmatic perspective of hedges within the framework of Grice's co-operative principle, in order to find the reasons for the existence of hedges and the pragmatic functions in Universiade news.
    Major findings of the thesis: Hedges enhance the accuracy and will not affect the accuracy of the news reports. Due to the limitation of journalists' cognitive ability, the limited time for readers and some features of Universiade news reports themselves, hedges are inevitable in Universiade news reports. Proper use of hedges in Universiade news reports will make news language briefer and more objective, meanwhile helping journalists more efficiently express their opinions. People do not always comply with Cooperative Principle in the communication. Hedges can avoid breaking CP when people are uncertain or unsure something. In addition, the pragmatic functions of hedges include providing information, increasing credibility, enhancing efficiency, expressing politeness and self-protecting function.

Keywords:  Hedges; Shenzhen Universiade News; Pragmatic Functions; Cooperative Principle; Conversational Implicature

