

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要

随着全世界互联网的高速发展,网络已经成为了人们之间互相交流和了解讯息、认识世界的重要工具。宽带技术的迅猛发展和普遍应用使得网络游戏已经逐步发展成为一个有着巨大潜力的产业,同时,网络游戏也倍受青少年的青睐,由于各种原因,许多青少年上网不是为了浏览新闻或查阅资料,更多的时候他们成群结队地一起沉迷于虚拟的网络游戏。因此,对网络游戏消费者行为的研究也变得日益重要。本文分析了网络游戏的新奇性、互动性、娱乐性等特点对网络游戏消费行为产生的因素进行具体的分析,然后, 本文在理论分析和实际调研的基础上,编制青少年网络游戏消费行为的问卷,对濮阳市一网吧青少年进行问卷调查和深入访谈,分析了青少年网络消费群体特征及青少年网络消费特点,对青少年网络消费进行了评价,了解当下青少年网络游戏消费的状况,并进行了分析研究,针对网络游戏的市场现状和目前网络游戏市场的不足,文中提出相应的建议,以促进网络游戏市场的健康发展。


With the rapid development of the Internet world,the network has become a mutual exchange and understanding between people,information,an important tool for understanding the world. Broadband technology enables rapid development and widespread application of online games have gradually developed into an industry with great potential, at the same time, online games has attracted extra people of all ages, for various reasons, many young people not to read news online, or access to information , more often obsessed with their droves virtual online games. Therefore, studies consumer behavior online games has become increasingly important. This paper analyzes the novel online games, interactive, entertaining games on the network characteristics of consumer behavior analysis of specific factors, then, this theoretical analysis and practical research, based on the preparation of young online game consumption behavior questionnaire, Puyang City, a young Internet cafes and in-depth interviews with questionnaires, analyzes the characteristics of consumer groups and youth networks of network consumption characteristics of network consumption was evaluated to understand the current situation of young online game consumption, and analyzed research, the market for online games online game market situation and the current deficiencies, the paper puts forward proposals to promote the healthy development of online game market.

Key Words:Young people; Internet;Online games;Consumer Behavior

