

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

  经过详细的调查和分析,本设计采用Microsoft Dreamweaver 8作为开发工具,后台数据库采用Access数据库设计,利用ADO数据库访问技术实现对数据库的各种管理操作,实现系统的各项管理功能。设计过程中,首先建立系统的应用原型,然后在此基础上进行需求分析,详细设计时不断地修正和完善,经过测试阶段反复调试和验证,最后形成达到用户设计要求的可行系统。

关键字:公司网站 鸿瑞  木桶 B/S  ADO


Tobay,company system is a simple application of the Internet message board is the most basic is the interactive tool is to provide a basic network service, with message boards, users and enterprises, users, enterprises and between enterprises can be easily thinking of the exchange of information and communication. The company's Web site have a simple message system can have complicated the system is based on ASP technology development B / S model of a simple Web site message systems, system development tasks include the design of front and back-end interface design of database management.
After detailed survey and analysis, the design uses Microsoft Dreamweaver 8 as a development tool, back-end database using Access database design, database access using ADO technology to achieve a variety of database management operations, the realization of the message and the message board management functions. The design process, first of all establish a system prototype, and then carried out on the basis of needs analysis, detailed design constantly revised and improved after repeated testing and verification testing, and finally the formation of the user design requirements to achieve a viable system.

Key words: cask  company system  B/S  ADO

