

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Abstract: Proverbs are the cream of a language. They are closely related to a nation’s culture and get great cultural values. These values are the key points of culture. Because of the cultural generalities and differences, English and Chinese proverbs have their similarities and differences. So their comparative study is very necessary.
This paper analyzes the similar and different values in Chinese and Western proverbs by comparing large numbers of proverbs. These values are relationship of humankind to nature, collectivism and individualism, hierarchy and equality, human nature orientation, attitude towards ethics, money orientation and family orientation. Studying proverbs can help us understand the similarities and differences of other cultures compared to our own. From the proverbs, we can grasp the knowledge about the nation’s language and culture. A conclusion can be made to show the significance of studying the values in proverbs and it will lay a good foundation on intercultural communication.
Key words: proverbs,values,communicate

摘  要:谚语是语言的精华。它们不仅与本国的文化息息相关,而且其中还包含着一些价值观。这些价值观是文化的核心和灵魂。由于文化的差异,中西方的谚语也有其异同。我们对此进行对比研究就显得非常有必要。

