

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



“禾尚头”是一种生长在甘肃皋兰县的一种无芒的小麦,在皋兰,他的种植有上百年历史,甘肃由于气候干旱,正是在这种条件下才孕育出优良的“禾尚头”小麦,这种小麦,不需要浇水,具有耐旱,耐寒,不掉籽粒等特点。 “禾尚头”对种植的环境要求很高,比如需要在正常的土地上铺上一层沙子才可以,土地的含盐量不超过0.3%,土壤的水分需要保持在5%--10%的极干旱的土壤中,只有在这种极强的抗旱,耐盐碱性能的土地中才能生长。“禾尚头”小麦的平均亩产在75公斤左右。相反,这种小麦最大的特点就是不能在水浇地中种植,因为容易种植容易倒伏,造成产量减产。 “禾尚头”以高效益,低成本,无污染而著称。自从甘肃“引入大秦”工程的竣工,促使黄河水大面积的灌溉到皋兰,使得很多人开始种植水浇地的小麦,“禾尚头”品种则逐步被取代,几乎到了绝迹的边缘。很多企业发现了这一商机,纷纷推出了““禾尚头”面”,但很多企业实力并不强,属于中小企业偏多,因此营销对于这些企业来讲则变得越来越重要,同时推广这一产品的知名度变成了当下企业最需解决的问题,用营销的角度去看待这一产品的推广则变得至关重要。


 Marketing strategy analysis of "Wo Shang Shang tou"

Abstract: “he sahng head” is a kind of growth in Gansu, Gaolan, a variety of wheat seeds, ithas at least one hundred years of history in Gaolan. After a long development, "he shangl head" completely adapted to the Gaolan drought and sandstorm, at first cold at first hot climate and soil conditions, has the characteristics of drought, cold, hard, strong seedling through sand, out of grain etc."he shang head" old wheat in arid Gaolan sand plant, also known as sand grain, belong to "extensive cultivation" varieties, yield of about 200 kg, the yield was very low. Since the "Gansu Yindaruqin" after the completion of the project, the Yellow River water by irrigation to Gaolan, Gaolan became the most irrigated, "he shang head ” of wheat has gradually been replaced by imported varieties with high yield, almost to the edge of extinction.Many enterprises found this opportunity, have launched the "he shang head", but many enterprises are small and medium enterprises strength is not strong, too many, so marketing for these enterprises is becoming more and more important, at the same time to promote the product visibility into the current enterprise need to solve most problems, the promotion of the use of marketing to view the product will become crucial.

KeyWords:Specialty noodles;marketing strategy;Uniqueness;Extension

