

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:图书馆员 职业道德 道德规范

This paper investigated and compared through the development of the Library Association China-US librarians occupation ethics, to understand and analyze the common principles and differences between China and the United States library code of ethics. The study found, the library occupation ethics in the principle, the principle of equality, the principle of protection of the right of privacy, intellectual property rights, strengthen the principle of individual business ability and the team cooperation have in common, Chinese Library in intellectual freedom, personal idea and concept, the funds occupation welfare is still insufficient to make up for. Most Chinese characteristics is the literature resources protection principle.

Keywords: Librarians,Occupation moral,Ethics
摘  要 I
2.美国图书馆职业道德准则基本简介 - 2 -
2.1优质服务态度 - 2 -
2.2公正严明 - 2 -
2.3知识自由与用户隐私权 - 2 -
2.4保护知识产权 - 3 -
2.5 保障员工福利 - 3 -
2.6团队合作 - 3 -
3中国图书馆职业道德守则简介 - 4 -
3.1确立图书馆人职业观念 - 4 -
3.2真诚服务,文明便捷 - 4 -
3.3尊重知识产权 - 4 -
3.4提高专业素养 - 5 -
3.5发扬团队精神 - 5 -
3.6推进资源共享。 - 5 -
4中美图书馆职业道德准则的相同之处 - 5 -
4.1人本原则 - 5 -
4.2平等原则 - 6 -
4.3保护隐私权原则 - 6 -
4.4 知识产权保护原则 - 7 -
4.5 加强个人业务学习 - 7 -
4.6 注重团队精神原则 - 8 -
5 中美图书馆职业道德准则条款内容的差异 - 9 -
5.1知识自由在图书馆员职业道德中的体现 - 9 -
5.2个人观念与职业观念的冲突 - 9 -
5.3资源保护原则 - 9 -
5.4员工福利与图书馆经费来源 - 9 -
6结语 - 10 -
致谢 - 12 -


