

全文字数:9500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论保险代理人制度的问题及对策 随着我国经济的快速发展,保险业的发展也突飞猛进,体现在保险代理人的规模持续增大。缘于保险代理人进入我国比较晚,发展的时间不够长,在理论上的研究不够彻底,法律法规仍不健全等,在现实运作中还存在很多不规范的地方,从而导致保险代理实务中的诸多问题,导致保险业的发展缓慢。本文从当前实际情况出发,回顾了代理人的基本意义及保险代理制度的产生、发展,列举出我国现行保险代理人制度的各方面问题并分析其产生的缘由,由此结合各方面给出建议来完善保险代理人制度。如果能从根本上理清保险代理人和保险人的关系,把他们之间的权利义务关系界定准确清晰,同时从监管方法和手段上加强对保险代理人的管监,并且对保险代理机构进行监管升级,这将为我国的保险业的发展铺平道路,使之有广阔的发展空间,使得我国保险业的未来健康发达。从侧面上也为我国整体经济的发展提供了一个好的环境。
Abstract: With the fast development of our economy, the development of the insurance industry also make a spurt of progress, reflected in the insurance agent continues to increase. Insurance agent made great contributions to the fast development of China's Insurance industry. Because the insurance agent into China relatively late, the development time is not long enough, the insurance agent system theory is not complete, laws and regulations are not perfect, in actual operation, there are still many non-standard place, which leads to many problems in the practice of insurance agency, leading to the development of the insurance industry is slow. This article from the current situation, reviewed the basic meaning of agent and insurance agent system of production, development, lists the problems in our current insurance agent system and analyzes the reason which it produces, which combined with the advice to perfect the insurance agent system. If can fundamentally sort of insurance agents and insurance people, put them in the relationship between the rights and obligations defined clearly, at the same time, from the regulatory methods and means to strengthen the management and supervision of the insurance agents, and the insurance agency supervision upgrade, which will pave the way for the development of China's insurance industry, the there is broad space for development, making China's insurance industry's future healthy development. From the side also for the overall economic development of our country has provided a good environment.
Keywords: commission agents;ystem of insurance;agent insurance

